Lately I feel like I do way more planning than doing.
- Planning for decorating/furniture/art projects/building projects/gardening for the new house without getting to implement a lot of it. This, of course, includes many hours of online window shopping and journeying through shops.
- Dreaming about getting a new car since we pretty much have one vehicle (a classic truck is not good for a daily driver) and sometime in the next couple years I'll need 4 doors. I think we've decided on a Versa Note. I love little hatchbacks, what can I say?
- Coming up with new template and logo ideas for the etsy shop.
- Thinking about when we might want to try for kids and ALL OF THE THINGS that come with that. I'm actually thinking about getting this really cute dress from modcloth because I know I could wear it well into the pregnancy. I'M NOT TRYING TO GET PREGNANT. Who plans ahead like this? On the flip side, the last two dresses I bought would probably not fit if I even gained 5 points...
I couldn't get a rug or any accessories for the living room until the couch we ordered arrived. Now I can't because the color of the couch they delivered is SO far off it's not even close (we ordered dark gray, got light beige, lighter than our carpet). We ordered a dark gray to match the cat's fur better... this one isn't quite right for that.

But RC Willey was great about it. We just took in a cushion to prove it was wrong, they ordered us a new one, and we use the wrong one until it's ready. It wasn't even their fault, they put in the order right... it was just made wrong somehow.

I assembled this sweet shelf the other night while the husband slept. Not much on the shelf in this photo as I snapped it just after midnight when I finished it, but It's a bit better now. Some photo frames, flowers, and it's a good place to store our fermenting crock! I think I'll look for some baskets for the bottom shelf. It is also more gray than this picture shows, I love the color!
I have not found one single dining table I like. Add that my husband wants some huge ornate monstrosity (we do NOT live in a castle, honey!). So we are borrowing my parents' old table they no longer need. It's not bad. If I was willing to paint it and recolor the chair seats I would probably love it, but that project would be at least a year out with all the other ones I've got going.

My art room is up and running well! I have a great HUGE storage unit I got at the Youth Ranch (thrift store) months back for $40 that I need to paint and get in there. Until that happens I've got all sorts of furniture cast offs lining the walls and painted fun colors.
Organization: I've got a gold tray for my yarns, purple storage for embroidery thread, a yellow rack and a blue/gray shelf for paints, fabric paints, and paint pens. The white/blue plastic drawer holds felt. Frames, canvases, pads of paper, and things waiting to be hung are in three piles leaning on the walls. The yellow rolling cart (formerly the home of so much booze) is a good wrangler for my fabric bins. The woodgrain box holds clothes that need repaired.
Drawers in the desk hold cutting tool, taping & pasting tools, and other various sewing things. The rainbow drawers hold my drawing pencils & pens, prismacolor pencils, prismacolor markers, and various bits of sketches and random things. Books, scrapbooking supplies, and photos are held on the big black entertainment unit.

See?! So much random furniture. I'll have to keep the pink and silver shelf though. So sweet! I also need to make a few more pinatas to keep my tiny orange one company. It looks so lonely, and I have so much crepe paper left over from the wedding.

And I love my little window bench! I just have a blanket on it until I find time to make a cushion. But I do love that peach blanket. I got it at a yard sale for less than $5, and I always love a deal! And it matches my hair!

See ya next time!
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