Thursday, January 31

Busy times

I've kind of fallen off the face of the 'net lately. I've been so busy and stressed at work, and it feels like I don't get a lot of time at home with my Camcam. So... I've definitely been neglecting some things... blogs, instagrams (I still look at it, I just haven't been taking pictures), you know, things.

Anyway, quick updates:
- Last night I watched the premier of The Americans, looks like it's gonna be a really good show!
- I've fallen in love with the Vine app. I'm 'Katie Sims' if you wanna look me up. I've only taken one video, but I love watching all the others. So many cute babies!
- I wore a curler mohawk for Cameron's 'old man' birthday party. That sucker is 30 now!
- I'm going to start doing things for my wedding. I promise. I really NEED to, only 121 days left. The photo above is of my parents (left) and Cameron's parents (right).
- I won a few pairs of sweet shoes in a contest (hint: I will have one pair of shoes from my recent 'Saturday Shoes' posts soon!). I'm so excited to get them!
- I've been trying to expand my design portfolio for Sour Fawn. Currently I'm doing free blog banners or buttons (no coding) for a select few people, email me if you are interested!
- I got addicted to the doors&rooms game on my phone. This is a blast!

And don't forget to enter to win an iPad mini on Kaelah's blog!


  1. Wow! Goodluck on your wedding preparation. I went to Sour Fawn but its still under construction.

    1. Yeah, I'm still trying to build up a few premade designs before I start getting into too many custom designs!


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